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    “SMS Nights” began with Bakcell
     “SMS Nights” began with Bakcell

    Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator in Azerbaijan, is pleased to announce to its valued customers another surprise during the summer season. This is especially great news for SMS lovers. You don’t always need to be at your computer or make voice calls to stay in touch with friends! Bakcell has launched “SMS Nights” campaign, which allows sending loads of SMSs and stay connected to people who means the most to you. Just pick your phone & start SMS chatting. This service is exclusively for CIN customers. For only 9 qepiks a day, Bakcell CIN customers get 100 on-net SMSs FREE during off-peak hours every night from August 15 till September 15. They can send messages to all other Bakcell numbers, including “Lovely numbers” and from QoşaCIN to QoşaCIN also. It is very simple to join the “SMS Nights” campaign. CIN customers need to dial  {{buttons “*910#1#C”}} from their mobile phones and enjoy FREE text messaging to Bakcell customers from 00:00 a.m. till 8:00 a.m. over a period of one month. Once the customer uses up all 100 SMSs in the bundle during one night, he/she can get another SMS bundle by simply dialing {{buttons “*910#1#C”}}. Customers who have bonus SMS and those who use 30, 65, 110 SMS bundles can simultaneously join the “SMS Nights” campaign and send loads of SMSs to their dear ones. While subscribed to the campaign, they will first use their FREE 100 SMSs during off-peak hours. Keeping the customer needs in mind, Bakcell always focuses on offering a diverse range of services for its customers that will help them get the best value for money they spend on mobile telecommunication. Bakcell’s latest campaigns – “HedsizCIN”, “QazanCIN”, “Summer nights”, “Ramadan Special Offer” and several great SMS Bundles give customers freedom to choose from a variety of services most suitable for their lifestyle. Remember to share the joy and fun of summer nights with those who means the most to you. Say it all with Bakcell! For more information about Bakcell and its services and products, please call 555. If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its services, please call 055 0000 555.