Young entrepreneurs who grew up under the patronage of “SOS Children’s Villages” are starting their business in Ganja city
Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan has helped two more young persons to establish their own business, by virtue of project implemented together with “SOS Children’s Villages Azerbaijan” Association.
An opening ceremony was held for yet another business - “Fruit Bazaar” in the city of Ganja, selected for a well-composed business plan under the “Youth Career and Development Center” project, implemented with support of Bakcell. The company has allocated funds to help in implementation of business ideas of young persons living under the patronage of the “SOS Children’s Villages Azerbaijan”.
“These young people have achieved great success thanks to their skills and determination. Bakcell is very proud to be a part of this success, and we believe that results demonstrated by the participants of our pilot project will be a good example for other young persons”, said Suheyla Jafarova, Head of Public Relations and Corporate Communications department of Bakcell.
Master trainer of the “World Labor Organization” Azad Rahimov, who provided trainings on business plan preparation within the frames of the project, has spoken highly of Bakcell’s participation: “For many years now we are supporting the youth in Azerbaijan in implementation of their business ideas by means of various projects. I’m very pleased that Bakcell was first among local businesses and organizations to demonstrate this kind of support to the country’s young entrepreneurs”.
Kamran Huseynov and Mahal Guliyev - owners of the new shop have previously worked in the fruit and vegetable sales and have good understanding of the business. Their experience in this field was one of the main factors during evaluation of the project idea.
“The “Start and improve your own business” project has been very useful for us. And although we had the experience in this area, we’ve received an opportunity to develop our knowledge and skills. At the same time, we are very thankful for funds allocated to help us open our own business. We will do our best to justify the confidence bestowed upon us”, said Kamran Huseynov.
It should be noted that during the first stage of the project, implemented last year, 15 young persons living under the patronage of the “SOS Children’s Villages” have participated in the “Start and improve your own business” training program. After the evaluation, Bakcell has provided financial support to 3 most successful business projects, being “Floristika flower shop” and “Tea House” in Baku, and a “Fruit bazaar” in Ganja city.
Starting from the year 2009, Bakcell is providing its support to children and teenagers deprived from parental care and children from economically disadvantaged families, within the frames of cooperation with the “SOS Children’s Villages Azerbaijan” Association.
About Bakcell
Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a wide range of products and Services to users of modern mobile communications Services. The company provides its customers with the best-in-class 3G and 4G mobile internet.
With more than 6500 base stations, Bakcell network covers 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (except for the occupied territories).
After proving itself to provide the best 3G mobile internet service in the country, Bakcell has announced the commercial launch of 4G LTE services on 5th of May 2015. 4G ensures a significant increase of mobile internet speed and is especially useful for those users who wish to stay mobile at all times, having an access to high-speed mobile internet at all locations. Currently, in addition to Baku and Absheron peninsula, residents of Ganja, Quba, Qusar, Khachmaz, Shabran and Siyazan regions are able to benefit from the high-speed 4G internet of Bakcell. In the year 2018, Bakcell continues to expand its LTE network to other regions of Azerbaijan. Bakcell became the first mobile operator in the country to launch 4G service in Baku subway. In the year 2017, Bakcell network has been recognized as the “Best in Test” in Azerbaijan by P3 Communications, being the international leader and most trusted independent authority in mobile benchmarking. According to tests, implemented in August 2017, Bakcell has the best score overall network experience in Azerbaijan and the best mobile internet network “in test” in Baku and other big cities.
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